Top 5 Reasons to See a Prosthodontist

There are so many different types of oral care professionals out there, so trying to figure out what type of professional to see for a specific oral issue can be challenging. Many dental patients find themselves especially confused regarding the work that prosthodontists do. Unlike other dental professionals that often perform a wide variety of dental treatments, prosthodontists are highly specialized in teeth restoration and aesthetic improvement.

Here are the top five reasons why you should consider making an appointment with a prosthodontist:

1. Missing Teeth

Teeth can fall out for any number of reasons, including sports accidents, periodontal disease and old age. Prosthodontists are experts at tooth replacement and can offer a variety of solutions for missing teeth, including:

  • Implants
  • Bridges
  • Full dentures
  • Partial dentures

If you are currently missing one or multiple teeth, you should schedule an appointment with a prosthodontist and find out what it will take to restore your smile to its original beauty.

2. Complicated Aesthetic Needs

When you need intricate teeth restoration procedures due to worn or damaged teeth, you may want to seek advice from a prosthodontist. While other oral professionals may be able to help solve simple aesthetic problems, a prosthodontist has the tools and the skills necessary to perform more intricate procedures.

3. Congenital Oral Conditions

An experienced prosthodontist can offer extensive facial reconstruction for congenital oral conditions such as cleft palate and other issues that affect the function and appearance of the mouth.

4. Correction of Jaw Problems

Certain jaw joint problems may be corrected with the help of a prosthodontist. TMJ, TMD and other issues may require corrective procedures that only prosthodontists are able to perform.

5. Complete Oral Reconstruction

In some cases, complete oral reconstruction may be required in order to improve both the appearance and function of your smile. Although uncommon, oral reconstruction may be needed after oral cancer treatments or traumatic facial injuries.

If you would like to improve the appearance and functionality of your smile, try scheduling a consultation with a prosthodontist and find out what treatment options they recommend for you.

What is Prosthodontics?

There are many different specialties under the umbrella of oral care professionals. Everyone has heard of dentists and orthodontists, but there are others out there. One branch of oral care you may not be familiar with is prosthodontics. In fact, so few people understand what these professionals do that there is a whole prosthodontics awareness week in April. What type of work do they do? How do they help people?

Experts in Replacing Teeth

When teeth are lost due to injury, accident, or removal, your regular dentist may send you to a prosthodontist. Prosthodontists specialize in the replacement of lost or removed adult teeth. Whether you need a crown, bridge or dentures, either full or partial, look no further than a prosthodontist. They have special training that allows them to create and implement these important and common pieces of dental technology in order for their patients to live comfortably with their teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is oral care that is not medically necessary, but instead is related to enhancing the look of your teeth. Looking to get ceramic crowns or veneers? Want a brighter, whiter smile? Prosthodontists can help with that, as well. They often have advanced training that allows them to handle any type of cosmetic dentistry, including using bonding agents to close gaps and fill cracks or divots in a tooth.

Complex Cases

Sometimes, an injury is so severe that it cannot be fixed by a traditional dentist. That is when they send you to a prosthodontist. These dental professionals are capable of repairing damaged palates, rehabilitating victims of traumatic injuries and reconstruction for people who have survived oral cancers. In order to make sure their patients are fully treated, prosthodontists also help to manage the care for these patients across multiple medical and dental professionals.

Prosthodontics is an incredible dental specialty that is particularly concerned with replacing lost teeth, providing cosmetic changes and dealing with complex or traumatic cases. This branch of dentistry is incredibly beneficial to many people who have had injuries or need some kind of oral reconstruction.

4 Ways to Show Your Mouth Some Love

4 Ways to Show Your Mouth Some Love

Most people don’t realize just how important oral health is to their overall health. What happens in your mouth can impact your entire body in both good and bad ways. If you are dealing with inflammation and infection in your mouth it often leads to poor health in other areas of your body, and oral health has even been linked to chronic illness such as heart disease and diabetes. If you want to improve your health this year, show your mouth some love with these four tips.

Eat More Fruits and Veggies

fruits-vegetables-heart-shapeIf this sounds like a weight loss resolution, consider that eating more fruits and vegetables (and a healthier diet all around), can help you lose weight at the same time that it improves your oral health. Nutrients in fruits and vegetables help to build your immune system, improving your ability to fight off infection like gum disease, inflammation, and bacteria in your mouth. Raw, crispy fruits also help reduce plaque buildup on the teeth, leading to fresher breath and fewer cavities.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the main causes of oral decay, including tooth discoloration, cavities, receding gums, infection, and lung and oral cancers. Both cigarettes and smokeless tobacco can double your risk of losing your teeth, but fortunately once you stop smoking, the risk of tooth loss and other diseases immediately decrease.

Start Flossing

If you think your mouth is healthy because you already brush twice a day, it could be a lot healthier if you add flossing to that routine. Flossing helps remove hard-to-reach plaque that builds up between teeth and near the gum line, where you toothbrush can’t reach, and where gum disease often begins. It only takes 2 minutes to floss your teeth, so if you add that to your 2 minutes of brushing in the morning or night, you’re still only spending about 5 minutes a day to get a healthier mouth.

Go See a Dentist

Even with the best at-home oral health care, there is no substitute for seeing your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, show your mouth some love by schedule an appointment. Your dentist can help you identify and prevent oral health problems before they become major issues, and may notice subtle signs of disease that you would otherwise not see on your own. There are affordable places you can go for dental care, including the Dental Clinic at Roseman University, if you don’t have a dentist or you can’t afford to go to the dentist because you don’t have insurance.

February Neighborhood Health Series Dental Health Month Double Header Recap

February Neighborhood Health Series Dental Health Month Double Header Recap

Last month, Roseman University held its monthly free educational series – Neighborhood Health Series. The topic for February was Dental Health Month Double Header. Those in attendance enjoyed back-to-back sessions focused on dental health for adults, dogs, and children with specialized healthcare needs.


Part 1: The Benefits for Good Oral Health for Humans & Our Beloved Canine Companions 

What do we know about the intersection of human and animal dental health? How can we maintain health and extend the life of our furry family members, through regular preventative dental health? Meet Dr. Thacker, Director of Roseman’s Dental Clinics, Program Director of Roseman’s AEGD program, and Associate Professor. Dr. Thacker’s military background, dental training, and love for animals come together with a compassionate and holistic overview of human and canine Dental Health. Meet Dr. Thacker’s dogs and learn more about how to care for your pet’s teeth.

Presented by: Dr. Matthew Thacker & his canine companions

Part 2: Mission Alignment: Cure 4 The Kids and Roseman Dental & Orthodontics: Treating Medically Compromised Patients with Specialized Care

Dr. Alice Chen, Pediatric Dentist and Associate Professor partners with Dr. Joseph Lasky, Oncologist and Medical Director at Cure 4 The Kids (C4K) to talk about how the Roseman & C4K missions align to provide coordinated, empathic, patient-focused dental care to children with cancer or other critical diseases. How is their care different and how do the two organizations work together to maintain health, prevent complications, and support the patient’s journey to health and recovery?

Presented by: Dr. Joseph Lasky and Dr. Alice Chen


We enjoy sharing innovative, collaborative, and useful information with you! To view a full list of upcoming events or to register, visit

Xerostomia: Causes and Treatments for Dry Mouth

Xerostomia: Causes and Treatments for Dry Mouth

Xerostomia is a big word with a simple definition: dry mouth. It’s the term for the absence of saliva in the mouth that can cause discomfort, often leading patients to seek medical treatment. The condition isn’t a disease in itself, but is actually caused by other factors.

While everyone experiences a dry mouth at one time or another, chronic dry mouth can not only be frustrating, but can also cause medical and dental issues. Treating xerostomia is important to improve overall quality of life as well as preventing any additional problems.

What Causes Xerostomia?

Many different issues can cause dry mouth. Some of the causes for this common condition include:

  • Medications. Many over-the-counter and prescription drugs list dry mouth as a side effect.
  • Nerve damage. Damage to the nerves that control saliva production can result in xerostomia.
  • Cancer treatments. Chemotherapy drugs or radiation can halt the production of saliva.
  • Other diseases. Parkinson’s or Sjogren’s syndrome can affect the salivary gland.

Other conditions, including stress and depression, can lead to a lower production of saliva as well.

What Problems does Xerostomia Cause?

Leaving xerostomia untreated can lead to further issues. The condition can cause difficulties with speech and eating, as well as an increase in cavities or infections in the mouth, since salvia helps wash away bacteria from the surface of the teeth.

What is the Treatment for Xerostomia?

To begin treatment for xerostomia, its root cause must be discovered. Eliminating the cause isn’t always possible, so dental professionals will find a treatment option that addresses the issue while not detracting from other medical care.

Some remedies can treat dry mouth, but they won’t cure it. These options include avoiding alcohol-based mouthwashes, using artificial saliva, sipping plain water, or using over-the-counter dry mouth products. Prescription medications can be used to stimulate saliva production in order to replace the saliva and prevent other medical and dental issues.

Dry mouth should be treated not only because of the discomfort it causes, but also because of the serious issues it can cause. Prioritize good oral care and regular dental treatments to prevent further problems. If you’re in need of dental care, make an appointment with Roseman Dental to get help from one of our empathic, patient-focused providers.