If you are interested in becoming a patient at The Dental Clinic at Roseman University, the first step is to schedule a no-cost screening exam. These appointments are available Monday through Friday between 8 am and 5 pm on all days when the University is open. It’s important to understand the difference between these initial screening exams and the more comprehensive exams you will undergo if you are accepted as a patient in our clinic. Here is a brief overview of the two types of exams.
Screening Exam
The screening exam is a brief (20 to 30 minute) exam that is performed by one of our student dentists, under the supervision of a faculty member who is a licensed dentist. The purpose of this exam is to identify your dental needs on a basic level so we can determine if your needs meet our students’ ability to provide treatment. No dental care is provided during the screening appointments, and not everyone will be eligible to be a patient. You can schedule a screening by calling 801-878-1200.
Comprehensive Exam
Following the screening exam, if our students and faculty determine that our student dentists can meet your dental needs, you will undergo a comprehensive exam. This is a very thorough examination of your mouth and the surrounding areas (extraoral and intraoral hard and soft tissues). Your provider will:
- Take x-rays of your mouth and teeth
- Evaluate and record your medical and dental history
- Perform a general health assessment
- Evaluate and record any existing dental caries (cavities)
- Check for missing or unerupted teeth
- Evaluate and record existing restorations or prostheses (dentures)
- Check for occlusal relationships, periodontal conditions, and any hard or soft tissue anomalies
- Evalute for oral cancer where appropriate
All patients who are accepted for treatment will receive a comprehensive exam that includes x-rays, and it may also be recommended for patients who have a significant change in their overall or oral health, or who have not received treatment recently (in the past three years).
[info_box title=”” image=”” animate=””]Call our clinic today to schedule your free initial screening and consultation at 801-878-1200.[/info_box]