by Roseman Dental | Jul 20, 2016 | Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - NV, Roseman Dental - UT
To keep your pearly whites as brilliant as possible, you can use the usual whitening methods: expensive professional treatments, gum, toothpaste, and mouthwash. There are also simple, everyday habits that can help brighten your smile. Your teeth not only help you speak and eat, but they contribute to your overall appearance. Here are the top three tips to help you keep your teeth sparkling white.
- Replace your toothbrush. Make sure to replace your electric toothbrush head or manual toothbrush every two to three months, or more often if you’ve had a cold. The bristles of the brush transfer germs to your mouth. Also, brush your teeth properly by placing the toothbrush against your gums at a 45-degree angle and lightly move it in a circular motion, not back-and-forth. Hold your toothbrush as you do a pencil so you don’t scrub too vigorously.
- Gargle before brushing with apple cider vinegar. Rinsing with apple cider vinegar in the morning before brushing helps remove stains and whiten your teeth. It will also kill germs lurking on your gums and in your mouth.
- Avoid teeth-staining food. Smoking cigarettes and drinking black tea, cola, and red wine will stain your teeth. Any food or drink that is dark will probably result in stains. Brushing immediately after drinking or eating dark-colored food or drinks can help. You can also use an effective teeth-whitening product from your dentist or over-the-counter.
Eat an apple, also known as nature’s toothbrush, for convenient teeth cleaning action. Crisp, firm foods help clean your teeth while you are eating them, such as popcorn, celery, and raw carrots. For best results, choose these options as the final food in your meal if you won’t be able to brush your teeth right after eating. You’ve worked hard to get your teeth white, so make sure to take the steps necessary to keep them that way.
by Roseman Dental | Mar 23, 2016 | Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - NV
Unless something particularly funny or enjoyable is going on, you may not be inclined to smile that often. Plenty of research has been done in the area, and it turns out there are numerous benefits to smiling more frequently. If you find that you frown or have a neutral expression fairly often, then you may want to think about showing off your pearly whites on a regular basis.
Smiling Reduces Anxiety and Stress
If you are feeling stressed out, you may not feel like smiling so much. However, studies have found that individuals who smile when they are going through troublesome times had lower heart rates. The smile may be fake, but it comes with real results.
Smiling Helps You be Seen as More Trustworthy and Personable
Anyone looking to make strides in their careers should consider smiling at the office. People are more likely to engage with individuals who are smiling compared to people who always look stern. Additionally, smiling enhances your credibility so if you need people to trust and like you, smiling could be the ticket.
Smiling Releases Endorphins
Endorphins are chemicals released within your brain that make you happy. They are released when you engage in an activity you enjoy, and it has been found that smiling releases the same chemicals. You can boost your mood simply by exercising those facial muscles.
Smiling is Contagious
You probably already know that yawning is contagious. When you see someone else yawn, you are likely to do it yourself. The same principle applies to smiling. When you smile, other people around you are more inclined to smile. Everyone enjoys a release of endorphins, and everyone feels a little less stressed out.
You do not have to watch your favorite sitcom to crack a smile. Try doing it when you are sitting at your desk or driving in traffic. If you train yourself to smile more, then you will do it without even being conscious of the effort.
by Roseman Dental | Oct 7, 2015 | Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - NV, Roseman Dental - UT
Whether you’re looking to score a date with a special person or ace an interview you’ve been preparing for, one thing remains certain: you may not get as far as you would hope without a great smile. Here are several tips you can use to enjoy a brighter and whiter smile.
1. Stop Drinking Energy Drinks
Even if you live for the rush that energy drinks give you, they are not very good for your teeth. Their acidic content is very corrosive to the enamel on your teeth. If you cannot stop drinking them entirely, then start limiting your consumption of them. Make sure you use a straw when drinking them to keep your teeth from swimming in acid.
2. Avoid Dark Foods
Try to limit your consumption of dark foods and beverages. Dark foods and beverages have a staining effect on your teeth that can leave them discolored and dull looking. Of course, some foods, such as blueberries are very beneficial to your health (and also dark) so use your judgment when eating and drinking foods and beverages that contain dark pigmentation, and chew gum or brush teeth about 20 to 30 minutes after if you are concerned about the staining effects of what you consumed.
3. Eat Your Raw Fruits and Veggies
Eating raw fruits and veggies is not just good for your health, they are also good for your teeth. Raw foods, such as nuts, cauliflower, broccoli, and apples act as “scrubbers” when you chew them to help remove surface stains and plaque from your teeth. Crunchy veggies and nuts also help strengthen your teeth and bones for long-lasting teeth.
4. Change Your Toothbrush
Remember to replace your toothbrush every three to four months or as soon as you notice it looking worn out. After this amount of time, the bristles on your toothbrush start to lose their firmness and shape, thus reducing their effectiveness at cleaning your teeth.
5. Rinse Your Mouth
Rinse your mouth after eating and drinking sugary and acidic foods and beverages. Rinsing immediately after consumption helps to get rid of the acid that is left behind in your mouth. If you don’t, the acid that remains in your mouth will strip the enamel from your teeth making it easier for them to stain.
No matter what you do to keep your teeth clean, don’t forget to see your dentist as needed. Practicing good dental hygiene and receiving proper dental care will keep your smile bright and white.
by Roseman Dental | Jun 19, 2015 | Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - NV, Roseman Dental - UT
There are more things you can do to whiten your teeth besides switch toothpaste, visit your dentist, and use whitening strips and trays. Even if you’re already taking these actions, there are several other steps you can take to brighten your smile without spending a lot of money.
Swap Your Toothbrush More Often
Trade out your old toothbrush for a new one every three months or whenever your bristles start to look faded and worn. Doing so ensures that your toothbrush is always providing the proper friction for scrubbing your teeth cleaner and whiter.
Avoid Eating Dark Pigment Foods
No matter how much you might like blueberries, marinara sauce, soy sauce and other dark foods, they aren’t doing your teeth any favors. Such foods can leave stains on your teeth thanks to their dark pigmentation. While not all dark foods are necessarily bad, it’s a good idea to limit how much of these types of foods you eat and make sure you enjoy them with plenty of water to help reduce the chances of staining.
Use Apple Cider Vinegar
While not as powerful as other whitening methods, rinsing with apple cider vinegar is a natural way to help brighten your smile (though perhaps not a very enjoyable one). To make the most of this tip, you’ll want to rinse your mouth out for a full minute with a mixture of one part apple cider and two parts water.
Avoid Drinking Energy Drinks
Besides dark foods, tea, coffee and red wine, energy drinks have also been known to cause staining on your teeth due to high acid content. Acid is also found in citrus fruits, so you’ll want to be careful of those as well. If you simply can’t go without your energy drink or soda, it’s better that you drink it through a straw to keep the liquid from coming into direct contact with your teeth.
Making a few small changes can do wonders not only for the color of your teeth, but for your overall oral health. Pay attention to the small signs that your teeth and mouth might be giving you about the state of your teeth to get a whiter smile and a healthier mouth.