Tip 7

use-fluoride-toothpaste-1Fluoride is essential for developing healthy teeth and gums during childhood. If your water supply doesn’t contain fluoride, talk to your dentist about getting a fluoride supplement.

Tip 6

Sealants are a simple and inexpensive way to prevent childhood dental decay and cavities and can be applied to all your child’s molars in a single visit.

Tips #5

Tips #5

Amused baby boy (9-12 months) smiling, posing in studio, close-up, portrait

Take your child for his or her first visit to the dentist when the first tooth appears, and definitely no later than 12 months of age.

Tips #4

Tips #4

sugar_spoonIf you’re planning to eat sugar, eat it immediately after a meal. Your mouth produces extra saliva during meals that can wash sugar off teeth surfaces.